The Jill Method

Your 4 point plan for sustainable health and happiness.

The Jill Method

Your 4 point plan for sustainable health and happiness.

The Jill Method is a blueprint of 4 essentials you need to create health goals and institute strategies for long-term success.

  • j

    J is for Journey.

    Health is a journey, not a destination. It is ever evolving over your lifetime and requires different care, different ages, different stages, and different goals to engage in.  

  • i

    I is for Important.

    What is important to you? What are those things in your life that you truly value? When I tapped into my WHY - why I wanted to get healthy - I had a glimpse of how different my life would be if I started meeting my goals.

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    L is for Lifestyle.

    There is no question that a healthy diet eating real, nutrient-dense food is needed to fuel our bodies and brains and is the foundation of our health. Dietary changes did that for me, but I didn’t fully get healthy until I also made other changes to my lifestyle by also focusing on my primary foods. Exercising, managing stress, working on relationships, spirituality, improving my sleep, and other lifestyle changes are just as essential. When you move past the step of only focusing on food, that’s when the real magic begins in transforming your health.

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    L is for Love Yourself.

    Each chapter of my book signs off with “Now Go Love You” as a way to teach others that learning to love yourself is at the core of your ability to do self-care. The definition of self-care is the practice of taking an active role in improving or protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress. This takes place through our actions, but also through our thoughts. Maintaining self-compassion during our health journey is key!

When your health and wellbeing becomes top of mind, you will gain a clear view of the goals, habits, and sustainable changes you need to make to find lasting health and thriving wellness.

Coaching Definition Guide

Bioindividual:   Bioindividuality focuses on the nutritional needs of each unique individual. There is no one-size-fits-all diet, and bio individuality recognizes that.

Nutrient Dense:   Nutrient dense foods are high in nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and healthy fats, and are low in calories.

Primary Food:   Primary food refers to the aspects of your life that affect how you feel on a day to day basis aside from food, such as your career, relationships, spirituality, and exercise.

Secondary Food:    Secondary food refers to the foods that actually go on your plate.

Crowd out Cravings:    Crowding out cravings is the practice of adding more nutrient dense foods, vegetables, and fruits to your diet to crowd out your cravings for unhealthy alternatives or junk food.

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Schedule Your Initial Session with me!

I’d love to help you achieve your health and wellness goals and provide you the support you need and deserve on your health journey!